A couple of weekends ago, I took a weekend workshop called the Abundance course, which is Larry Crane's "Release Technique". It teaches you how to have abundance in every area of your life through a simple release technique.
I found out about this technique through a friend who has taken the "Sedona Method" course, which is based on the same principals. I went out and bought the Sedona Method book, used the technique to release on a issue I was having and had immediate relief! I was sold on it so I took the weekend workshop, which made it even more experiential and useful.
Why I bring this up? because I used the technique to release on creating my own art designs. I've been having a block on what to create and just going for it. So I released on it and this morning I created two designs that I'm looking forward to painting!
I recommend this process to anyone who is looking to achieve success in any area of their life.
Just check out the book in the store and try it right there on any issue and see if it helps you. It did for me.