WBO #4

WBO #3

WBO #2

WBO #1 - Stressed out!

Original still life
Hello There!
I've been busy with a new class I started a couple of weeks ago called
"Watercolor beyond the Obvious" taught by
Mike Bailey.
Wow, this is a super class and beyond what I anticipated in learning. What I mean by that, not only am I learning design principal's, I am learning about ME, and my thought process, and self imposed boundries, and on and on... Whoa, I didnt think I was going on a adventure trip through "Sheila's Overactive Brain" land or the "Worry Wart" ferry ride but it's been a enlightening experience and I'm loving it.
The class is structured that you will setup a still life at home and each week you will learn a new design principal and then go paint that for the following week. Overall you will paint "a" still life twenty times,
the same still life that you can't move, or change the perspective. The purpose of the one still life is that you'll be challenged to do it differently every week and you will start to develop your design knowledge. Sounds fun right!? it is, and Mike is a really, really great teacher.
The first week, I was so stressed out trying to figure out what still life I would want to paint 20 times, so I didnt get to paint it till Sunday, the day before class! I had so much energy built up that my first painting was YUCK! but I had to keep going because I needed to have two paintings for the class the next day. My second painting I did much better and it was more realistic, which I'm use to painting, so I was happy with it.
Last week I had to come up with something and the lecture was on "Line". I was trying to figure out what I would do and going through my sketch book. Mike is big on sketching and carrying your sketch book with you everywhere to capture those great ideas you have in random places. So I was sketching and thinking, sleeping and dreaming, eating and thinking, ugh! non-stop.
I finally settled on doing these two, one is based on a Mandala and the other one has a southwestern feel to it.
Anyway, I will be posting onward my next 16 paintings!