Monday, April 5, 2010

Fresh Start! Art show


SCVWS Members' Spring Watermedia Show

March 1-28, 2010

Perfect Title for this posting, I'm off to a fresh start and no looking back!

I participated in the Santa Clara Valley Watercolor "Fresh Start!" spring show. My first ever! Here's a picture of my painting hanging on the gallery wall.
Yippee! the first of many milestones to come. :-)

And a Big Thank You to everyone for your supportive words and comments on my last blog posting. I've decided not to return to the class and move forward and keep a positive attitude. " A Fresh Start! " :-)


  1. I was so excited to see your painting in the show! I look forward to lots more from you. Congratulations on your own fresh start!

  2. From what I can see, Sheila, those are quite fabulous paintings! Keep going, my friend!

  3. Your painting is so beautiful and I'm glad to see it hanging in a show! Congrats!

    BTW...your last painting was amazing too! How can anyone scold you for such fantastic work?!

  4. Sheila, duh, I just realized that you and I are in the same watercolor society! I was one of the people that hung the "Fresh Start" show and recall hanging your piece. Lovely. Hopefully we will meet up in person soon. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.
